
Frequently Asked Questions

Creating a listing on Questlanka is easy and just a matter of few clicks. Simply click the 'Post Free Ad' button and follow the instructions.

To delete an ad, please go to My Account > My Listings and click on the "Delete" option.

To edit an ad, please go to My Account > My Listings and click on the "Edit" option.

To set a new password, please log in to your account, go to My Account > Account details and click on the "Change Password" checkbox.
If you have forgotten your password,
go to the log-in page and click on the "Forgot your password?" link
If you have created an account via Google, you will not have a password. You can log-in to your account with Google Password.

Listings appears for 30 days, unless you delete them earlier from your dashboard

Your ad may not be active or rejected due to one of the following reasons:
• It is still under review.
• It may have violated our ads rules.
• Your free ad limit exceeded.

All of the ads are manually reviewed - if your ad violates our posting rules then it will be rejected.

We don't allow ads that contain:

  • an item or service that is illegal in Sri Lanka
  • an item or service that is not located in Sri Lanka
  • an invalid phone number or email address
  • an unrealistic offer
  • offensive language
  • offensive pictures
  • text in the title or description that is not related to the advertised item or service
  • pictures that do not match or clearly show the advertised item or service
  • exact same content as another ad.

If you are not receiving reach to your ads, we recommend to take a look at our tips on "how to sell fast".

We are not making money from free ads. but we are making money through ads boosting option.

To login to your account, simply click on the user icon on the menu. If you have created an account with Google, click on "Continue with Google" and follow the instructions.
To logout of your account, simply click the user icon on the menu and click on the logout button.

To change the details on your account, go to My Account > Account details.

To start a chat, go to the specific ad page and click the Chat button. it will be a private chat with the ad owner.

Your Ad will be places in top of the search results. it will enable you to get more engagement for your ad & business.

Sometimes your ad won't shown in the right place. It means that other stores / ads also boosted with top ad. each top ads have the equal chance to be displayed.
Anyhow your ad will visible in your post category & location.

Your post will be highlighted in the search results page.

You can create store page free of cost. with the Store facility, you can manage all your posts in the same place and can share as your own shop.
Go to My Account > Store and fill the relevant fields.